I'm Djordje, the Head of Sales @HOOLOOVOO, a tech company from Serbia. I need a colleague to help me with sales in Sweden. We're a crew of 160+, mostly senior developers. We have a decade of cooperation with big Swedish clients and it's going great. They say we help them a lot and we believe them. Now we're looking for more.
The job is all about attending conferences and countless meetings (and being prepared well), listening and talking a lot, learning and adapting (failures are expected and perfectly okay), traveling to Serbia every now and then, showing us some nice places when we come to Sweden…
We're great at what we do and I have no doubt we'll kick ass at sales, we just need someone to do it with us.

What's in it for you? Let's start with the obvious

I’m calling you 
for an adventure

I'm a seasoned salesman, but HOOLOOVOO is actually just starting with active sales, for the first time. We got to 2 big clients from Sweden simply by doing our job well over the years. We're stable, existing for 9 years, and we'll take our time on this one, but still, it's a new road for us.

You might get some strange looks

Your family and friends might not get it, why you're joining a company from Serbia. The fact that we are a top 4 IT company in Belgrade won't really help. Maybe I can explain it to them, if you wish. Get a drink, tell some stories, show some photos. Belgrade is the capital of Serbia, btw. If you didn't know, it's ok.

Nothing will be 
easy for us

HOOLOOVOO is practically unknown in Sweden. The goal is to gain trust of Swedish companies. Not easy. Fails and lessons first, then success. I don't see this as a 100 m race, but rather a marathon. I'm looking for someone to go down that long road with us. We will know how to appreciate it.

Lots of love and support

We love to love our jobs. We believe it's the only way. Whatever you do, you'll have plenty of support from me and the team. HOOLOOVOO has been developing an employee support system for years, now we're well known for it in Serbia and the region. Our retention rate is 90%.

We understand and respect Swedish culture

We've been working with Swedes for a long time. We love fika, understand lagom… You won't feel alone. My wife speaks Swedish, but me - not a word.


We do our jobs very seriously, even though we like to have fun along the way. Professional success and a good feeling about the job is extremely important for a satisfied life. That's how I see it.

The job

Finding new clients that match our expertise, approach and culture. Lots of meetings, conferences, listening and presenting, having lunch or a drink…

You’ll be well paid

Of course.

What will you be selling

You will sell the knowledge, skill and attitude of our people, mostly senior developers with great results on complex projects with vast numbers of users and data. There's also our expertise in combining AI, Data and other technologies to help businesses improve their operations and experience of their clients and users. About the products we have in development, mostly exciting FinTech, RegTech and AI - later.

What do we in HOOLOOVOO get?

We get a great colleague for the team, a senior salesperson. Someone from Sweden, who knows the market more deeply than we Serbians do. An ambitious colleague happy to join our marathon, enjoy the work and have fun along the way. Able to ask the right questions, make a joke and take one, too. Someone with experience with tech companies and/or businesses involving lots of tech, such as banking and finance, retail systems, medical industry, telecoms, transportation, etc. 

If you're the kind of person to have a break without saying a word about the job, that'd be perfect.

Now what?

Apply, of course.
Just send me your CV.


A few words more about what we do in HOOLOOVOO

As for our skills and expertise, we are a tech partner of choice for businesses handling large amounts of data, e.g. banking and finance, retail systems, medical industry, telecoms, transportation, etc.

Here’s the
tekniska stack

Artificiell intelligens

Customization &
integration of AI tools


Spark, Kafka, Airbyte, NoSQL Databases, Data Mesh, Data Lakes och Data Warehouses, dbt, Hadoop


Infrastructure as Code, CI/CD, Service Orchestration, Monitoring and Logging, Configuration Management


Infrastructure (AWS, Google Cloud Platform, DigitalOcean), 
Containerization (Docker, Kubernetes)


React, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, HTML5/CSS3, Microfrontends


Java, Python, Node.js, 
Microservice Architecture


Kotlin Flow, MVVM-designmönster, Hilt, Android Jetpack, Java


Swift, SwiftUI, 
Combine, SPM

We do FinTech and RegTech

Operating in multiple markets requires adequate payment methods for each of them and cooperating with a number of providers, which is costly. We can help, with years of experience in Open Banking, Credit Card payments and PCI/DSS compliance, e-wallet payments… We are also well versed in methods of user verification and legal requirements in many European markets. Our skills cover complex Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Fraud prevention systems.

We can hire an awesome team fast

We can quickly assemble a high-quality team. We perfected our hiring process, divided into Talent Marketing and Selection. Big part of it is our special connection with the IT community in Serbia and the region. 

Our teams stay together (retention rate in the area of 90%) and consistently deliver quality work. To keep it steady, we don't seek a large number of clients - we’d rather have a few and guarantee focus and stable teams.

Artificiell intelligens är här för att stanna

It may seem like today’s buzzword and a trend, but we believe there’s no going back. AI can already help us easily do and afford solutions that were just recently difficult and costly. The genie is out of the bottle. Things are happening fast and businesses need to keep pace. 

Vår expertis inom data, AI-verktyg och möjligheterna att kombinera teknologier kan hjälpa företag som hanterar massor av data att förbättra sin verksamhet och upplevelsen av sina kunder och användare

We can hire an awesome team fast

We can quickly assemble a high-quality team. We perfected our hiring process, divided into Talent Marketing and Selection. Big part of it is our special connection with the IT community in Serbia and the region. 

Our teams stay together (retention rate in the area of 90%) and consistently deliver quality work. To keep it steady, we don't seek a large number of clients - we’d rather have a few and guarantee focus and stable teams.
This page is a job ad. The rest of the website tells our story - who we are, what we want and how we think. We made it by turning our Business Development Strategy, an internal document, into a website. Look around.
If you’re reading this as a business representative and you’d like to talk about cooperation, here’s my email
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