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/* We are an IT crew of 140+ people from Belgrade, Serbia. */

Over the last 10 years, we have been cooperating with a big Swedish company, so we thought having more clients from Sweden would be great.

To introduce ourselves to potential clients, we started writing a website but had quickly realized that talking about ourselves isn't really our style, it just isn’t HOOLOOVOO (HLV for short).
Instead, we'll share with you our
2023-2025 HLV Business Development Strategy.
please note
When you see quotation marks, that's a copy-paste from the internal document.
please note
We’ll start with the goal.

The goal

The goal

In two years, 60 people in HLV will work for 2-5 new clients from Sweden who are culturally similar to HLV and who will bring challenging projects, engaging and good quality cooperation and work-life balance.
To be honest, if we find two clients that we really like, we won't be looking for a third, fourth... HOOLOOVOO wants to grow through quality and long-term partnerships, not through accumulating clients.
We want good people to kick ass at their jobs, grow and enjoy.
This is our brand purpose. It starts with people and is always focused on people. In that sense, it will never change.”
For months, we wordsmithed the life out of these few words. It would have gone faster if Siniša (our Brand Writer) wasn't such a perfectionist. We knew what excited us and what was important to us; we were just searching for the right words. And there they are, up above.
We want to be THE BEST IT EMPLOYER in the region.”
This is our vision.
It may sound ambitious, but we truly want it. It seems to us that we are on the right track.
We ensure business success of our people, our clients, and HOOLOOVOO through mutual respect and trust
From this mission, two principles emerge:
Mutual trust and
Mutual respect.
Three goals emerge as well, listed in the order of priority:
Business success of our people
Business success of our clients
Business success of HOOLOOVOO”
We share these things first, so you know
right away what matters most to us.

is our mission

And this
is our

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Dušan was a developer at HOOLOOVOO, and everything was awesome. At some point, he wished to move to Sweden with his family. Now, he's doing a great job there as well and he loves it. He fit in perfectly. We hang out every time he comes to Belgrade or we go to Sweden.
“There ain’t much difference, HOOLOOVOO and a Swedish company.

Both respect private time. No one is gonna bug you after hours, unless they really have to. They appreciate honesty as well. They really respect that I always say what I mean, just like we did in HOOLOOVOO.

Differences? I still haven't switched to their planning in weeks. I think some of us have this urge to overachieve, while the Swedes keep it lagom.”


Kindred Group
ex HLV

What do HLV people want?

"Support to reach their full potential."

Stems from the HOOLOOVOO purpose, mission, and vision.

What do HLV people want?

"Work-life balance, where their job enhances the quality of their personal life."

Stems from the HOOLOOVOO purpose, mission, and vision.

What do HLV people want?

"Freedom at work & opportunity to grow their knowledge through exposure to varying experiences."

Stems from the HOOLOOVOO purpose, mission, and vision.

What do HLV people want?

"Chance to work on challenging projects."

Stems from the HOOLOOVOO purpose, mission, and vision.

What do HLV people want?

"A good atmosphere and high quality, straightforward collaboration.

Stems from the HOOLOOVOO purpose, mission, and vision.

of stability...

So far, we wrote about how we see ourselves. But what do we do for our clients?

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